
Employment & Internships

大学娱乐是学生最大的校园雇主之一. 事实上, the department takes pride in the student employees' role in our ability to meet the 奥斯丁·皮伊这个多元化社区的需求. 是我们的重要组成部分 mission is preparing students for their future career goals by instilling common work 道德和技能,比如时间管理、客户服务和责任.


Employment   Internships  Leadership Team  Mission & 愿景



365bet学生必须通过 握手 网站. 非学生可以申请健身教练等专业职位 通过电子邮件将简历发送给所列的主管.


Anyone 感兴趣ed in working with 大学的娱乐 should first apply to positions 他们感兴趣的是 握手 网站. 申请每个职位. 一些职位对非学生或 Austin Peay affiliates as well, such as 健身教练s and Water Safety Instructors. Non-student applicants should email a resume to the supervisor of the position of 感兴趣. 

Whenever there is a vacancy, anyone in the current pool fitting our needs will be 联系安排面试. 成功的候选人将完成正式考试 hiring paperwork and complete orientation and training before beginning a regular 工作安排.

新员工入职前60天是试用期. 这种格式 给员工和部门时间去熟悉,问很多 问问题,确保有合适的人选.




大学的娱乐 works with students pursuing any academic major to design an 符合他们需求的Internships. 主修运动机能学,健康促进,商业, 市场营销、会计、平面设计和环境研究只是其中的一部分 可以在大学娱乐中心Internships的专业.


Interns will rotate through three areas within 大学的娱乐:  健身 and Wellness, 设备操作, and Programs (Adventure Recreation, Aquatics, and Intramural 以全面了解校园康乐活动.  Internships生将花费 每个区域大约4-5周.  Internships生将获得编程经验, 特别活动协调, 调度, 风险管理, 市场营销, 维护, 培训/发展, 预算/财务管理,以及每个领域的具体技能. 

This Internships生ship is a useful opportunity for those 感兴趣ed in recreation as a profession, 那些对进入健身行业感兴趣的人,或者那些尚未决定的人 寻求不同的选择. 

Internships生将协助设施运营和管理. Internships生将协助学生 staff with daily front desk operations for efficiency, consistency, and adherence 遵守部门的政策和程序. Internships生将协助基本的维护工作 设施设备的维护保养. Internships生还将协助以下工作: processing reservation requests, work order tracking, facility usage/counts, 库存, 和管理. 此外,Internships生将协助发展,推广和实施 各种部门的活动,项目和服务.

This Internships生ship is a useful opportunity for those 感兴趣ed in recreation profession, those 感兴趣ed in entering the recreation field or who have an 感兴趣 in overall 业务操作.

Internships生负责计划、规划、管理和监督 健身 programs and personnel to include Boot Camp, Healthy Mind Healthy Body Challenge, 健康博览会和乳腺癌五公里赛. 具体职责可能包括招聘和评估 健身 staff, developing 健身 programs/events, assist in 市场营销 efforts, instructing 团体健身课程,监督健身中心,设备维护,和 库存. 学生将获得编程、调度、财务管理、 市场营销和团体健身/个人训练技能. 申请人努力获得, 或已经拥有国家认可的团体健身或个人训练 certification, or those with Group 健身/Personal Training experience will be 给n 优先级. 这个职位可能需要不固定的工作时间,包括晚上和周末.

This Internships生ship is useful for those seeking 职业生涯 in fitness and wellness, health 晋升,还是管理.


The 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 department of 大学的娱乐 is seeking a motivated, resourceful, and tech-savvy student to serve as a social media and 市场营销 Internships生.  Internships生将直接与营销团队合作,制定战略、工艺、 and execute content for all platforms, including 脸谱网, Instagram, 推特, and Snapchat.  申请人应该对每个平台都有丰富的经验, strong writing ability, organizational skills, the ability to work as part of a team 也能独唱,而且极具创造力. 市场营销Internships生

  • Collaborate with 市场营销 team, professional staff, undergraduate assistants, and student staff as needed to gain an understanding of how and what we communicate to reach our target audience (current and potential students, parents of students, faculty 和工作人员, & 克拉克斯维尔社区成员).
  • Conceptualize, create, schedule, and publish daily content that encourages engagement 在社交媒体上增加了赞助人的知识 & 设施的使用情况 以及活动/项目出席率的增加.
  • Construct innovative tactics to grow the audiences for the URec accounts on each platform
 Intern is responsible for assisting with administration, 调度, planning, and 指导游泳项目内的活动. 这可能包括创建/协调 schedules for swimming lessons, group usage, academic classes such as SCUBA, fitness 课程、特别活动和员工培训.  Internships生将获得管理经验, supervision, working with multiple age groups, instructional techniques, 维护, programming, 库存 tracking, 风险管理, fiscal management, and training.  Applicants with experience as lifeguards, swimming lesson instructors, or competitive 有游泳背景者优先考虑.  这个职位可能不定期 工作时间包括晚上和周末. 

This Internships生ship is useful for those seeking 职业生涯 in aquatics administration, fitness and wellness, physical education teachers, management, or other logistically intensive 职业生涯. 


申请大学文娱Internships,请填写 Internships申请 请转到福伊健身中心的杰森·威尔斯 & 娱乐中心114室或 willse@阿卜苏.edu,日期如下. 必须提交简历、求职信和3封推荐信 通过应用程序. 

欲了解更多信息或问题,请致电931-221-7564或联系Jasin遗嘱 willse@阿卜苏.edu

Leadership Team

大卫·达文波特卫生部助理副总裁 & 幸福
大学娱乐,残疾人资源中心,卫生部 & 咨询服务)
Jasin遗嘱 -副主任
校内的安雅·谢尔顿 & 体育俱乐部协调员
(校内 & 体育俱乐部、市场推广)
Mac Murchison -政府户外协调员
贝拉威尔斯-水上运动 & 风险管理协调员
福伊游泳池,游泳课,安全 & 风险管理)



大学的娱乐 will be the region's leader in collegiate recreation experiences 提倡终身健康


大学的娱乐 provides 365bet and the surrounding communities with opportunities to develop and enhance all aspects of wellness through quality facilities, programs, 和服务.


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